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Autonomous Service Operation in Action | TM Forum Catalyst | Incognito

Written by Ronan Bracken | 14/06/24 7:31 PM

Hopefully, you've had a chance to digest my previous blog on autonomous service operations, where I reviewed some of the key concepts and use cases related to this topic. Now, let's have a look at autonomous service operations in action through the TM Forum's popular catalyst series.

Catalyst projects often span a few years (phases) and provide the opportunity for collaboration between service providers and vendors who work together to solve specific telecom business problems. Incognito has continuously participated in TM Forum catalyst programs for more than five years, working closely with global service providers and other vendors.

Let's go back to June 2022. The award-winning Converged Access with ODA catalyst project showcased how service providers can slash network access costs by 30% using the catalyst's converged access solution to eliminate multiple B/OSS stacks – ''convergence'' enabling the all-encompassing ability to control and monitor multiple access networks. This ''converged'' capability then delivers the ability to manage service intent and realize the autonomous service operations that companies strive for.

Moving forward to September 2023, the catalyst's second phase, embedded with cloud-native technology, exhibited how this solution could optimize technology-focused service level agreements (SLAs) and allow service providers to deliver their services effortlessly over multiple access networks without being bogged down by underlying technologies. Phase II also enabled service providers to provide affordable and guaranteed services tailored to small to medium-sized business needs. Underpinning this phase of our delivery of ''convergence'' is the necessary adoption of intent and autonomous service operations to reduce the complexity and costs associated with supporting the drive for innovations required to generate new revenues. 

Here we are in June 2024, and we are now introducing the new catalyst project, which brings together service provider champions Claro, Du, etisalat and, GCI, NTT, VNPT, and Verizon, along with vendors Incognito, Future Connections, Oryx Gateway, and Red Hat. Here is what you can expect to see as we showcase the project at Digital Transformation World 2024.

Over the next three years, service providers will invest a substantial $342 billion USD in network infrastructure to meet the rising demands of consumers and enterprises, largely fueled by increasing video consumption. However, despite this massive investment, service provider revenues are forecasted to grow modestly by only 4%. To avoid being relegated to utility providers for hyperscalers like Amazon and Microsoft, service providers must cultivate a competitive advantage by delivering low-latency, high-bandwidth services while generating new enterprise business. Traditional engagements between service providers and hyperscalers have been cumbersome and time-consuming, involving complex application development and multiple integrations across networks and systems. Hence, there's a pressing need for a new approach to address these challenges.

At Digital Transformation World 2024, this project will demonstrate how service providers can seamlessly offer Connectivity as a Service (CaaS) through the innovative catalyst CABOOM – Converged Access B2B2X Over ODA Marketplace. CaaS requires the automation enabled by autonomous networks to manage and maintain intent-based services. The CABOOM initiative leverages several open projects and initiatives: the GSMA Open Gateway initiative, the CAMARA Project – a collaborative initiative designed to foster innovation and development of standardized APIs – and the TM Forum's Open Digital Architecture (ODA). Use cases will illustrate how service providers can deliver Quality on Demand (QoD) to consumers and enterprises within environments like sports stadiums, entertainment venues, airports, and beyond. By embracing CABOOM, service providers can simplify the integration between marketplaces and connectivity to capitalize on the growing global CaaS/NaaS market, which is expected to reach a value of $155 billion by 2030, and evolve their business models.

Make sure to stop by Kiosk C25 – Catalyst Zone 1 in Copenhagen to talk more. See you there!