Fixed Wireless Access
The growing consumption of digital and video services is driving the need for high-speed and reliable broadband connectivity. FWA provides a way for service providers to rapidly meet this demand where fixed-line networks have limitations. Mobile operators can take advantage of existing LTE infrastructure to extend service offerings into the residential broadband market. In contrast, fixed broadband operators can utilize FWA to penetrate new markets while avoiding setup complexity and costs, or replace/augment legacy infrastructure.
Within the next five years, it is estimated that FWA connections will grow to more than 180 million globally – representing approximately 12 percent of all fixed broadband connections. FWA connectivity is on the rise. Are you ready to capitalize on this new opportunity to grow your business?
Explore Incognito's FWA solution
5G Fixed Wireless Access
The advent of 5G promises significantly faster, low-latency connectivity. While most of the talk surrounding 5G has been around mobile, it has the potential for operators to deliver other higher-value 5G-enabled services. With 5G FWA, homes and businesses can enjoy data-rich applications and services thanks to the delivery of better-performing, more secure, and flexible broadband connectivity.
However, when it comes to 5G FWA, operators face a new set of challenges to ensure they build a profitable network and their customers receive the best service. Success in a 5G connected home requires full visibility into the customer Wi-Fi network to proactively manage and monitor performance, while small and medium businesses will require the ability to turn up 5G resources faster and automate device management to support new revenue-generating services.
Explore Incognito's 5G solution
Citizens Broadband Radio Service
Governments are also helping to stoke the fire of broadband connectivity through various initiatives and programs, especially in the United States, where the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has made the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) band available for commercial use. CBRS opens up a major opportunity to allow communication service providers to extend the coverage and capacity of their networks and enable enterprises to use 5G or 4G LTE to establish their own private wireless network.
Operators can harness this additional mid-band spectrum to expand broadband connectivity in different ways. Mobile operators can boost their network’s performance by enhancing small cell deployments, augment over-taxed networks with added capacity, and boost signal coverage; fixed-line operators now have a way to expand into the wireless market and set up their own network when it would otherwise cost them millions to develop; enterprises can use the spectrum to connect their devices (including IoT) and enable critical communications.
Read Incognito's CBRS blogs